Экологическая Компания Сахалина 1997 - 2023     тел.: +7 (4242) 23-45-56, 23-55-57, 23-55-58

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2. Sampling Equipment

2.1 Niskin Bottle 


5L plastic Niskin bottles are used for sea water sampling. The bottles are designed for water sampling at various water column levels. Niskin bottle is submerged open-ended. The bottles are closed at the given levels with the help of sliding weights run on cable. 

2.2 Go Flo Bottle 


10L plastic Go Flo bottles are used for sea water sampling. The bottles are designed for water sampling at various water column levels. Go Flo bottle is submerged closed (to prevent surface film getting inside) and opened by a hydrostat at a depth of about 8-10 metres. The bottles are closed at the given levels with the help of sliding weights run on cable. 

2.3 Juday Zooplankton Net 


Juday cone-type closing net is used for zooplankton sampling. Intake diameter - 37 cm, filtering cone length - 150 cm. The weight of charged net with the end weight - 25 kg

2.4 IKS-80 Ichthyoplankton Net 


IKS-80 net is used for ichthyoplankton sampling; the net inlet ring diameter is 0.8 m, the filtering cone length is 3 m and the mesh size is 300 — 500 µm. The charged net weight with the end weight is 35 kg. 

2.5 Van Veen Grab Samplers 


Van Veen grab sampler is designed for bottom sediments sampling at depths of up to 250-300 m. The grab sampler is made of stainless steel. The grab sampler gripping area is 0.2 square metres.

Small benthos grab samplers are also available for soil surface layer sampling on the water body bottom. The depth of submersion is unlimited. The soil gripping area is 0.0.

2.6 DCh-0.034 Grab Sampler 


Bottom sediments are sampled at depths of up to 25 metres with the help of DCh-0.034 stainless steel grab samplers. The grab sampler gripping area is 0.034 square metres.

2.7 Washing Sieves with 1mm Mesh


Special washing sieves with 1mm mesh are used for washing of soil collected by grab sampler.

2.8 GR-91 Drag Grab Sampler 


GR-91 drag grab sampler is designed for sampling of loose silt and fluvial bottom sediments with structural rupture from the bottom of rivers and channels with a depth of up to 3 metres and water current speed of up to 2 m/s and lakes and water reservoirs with a depth of up to 4 metres. The min. bucket capacity is 300 cubic centimetres.

2.9 Chemical Containers and Samplers 


Bottom sediment samples for chemical analysis are taken from the grab sampler with the help of special cylindrical samplers. Samples are transferred from samplers into special pre-cleaned plastic and glass Nalgene chemical containers.