Specialists of Environmental Company of Sakhalin possess long-term experience of surveys in ice conditions in the Sea of Okhotsk and the Tatar Strait water areas. In terms of ice conditions, these areas belong to the most severe in freezing Nearctic seas.
For many years drifting and shore ice condition has been studied by means of aviation and satellite observation methods as well as diving operations to inspect underwater ice. Ice drift has been measured with shore radars. Since 2008, ice buoys, markers equipped with Argos terminal, have been used for ice drift studies. Plenty of cartographic and aerial survey materials on sea ice conditions have been obtained as a result of studies. ECS specialists participated in preparation of an illustrated reference book about ice - 'Ice Atlas of the Seas of Japan and Okhotsk'.
Long-term study data are stored in the electronic database which includes information about physical and mechanical, morphometric parameters and ice drift. The knowledge and expertise are effectively used both for offshore oil and gas field infrastructure development, hydraulic structures construction and convoy escorting in winter period.
For 8 years, ECS specialists have been involved in ICE MANAGEMENT project providing ice support of supply vessels navigation and marine operations under offshore Sakhalin projects.
Up-to-date processing software enables ECS specialists to solve any ice calculation and assessment tasks. Most data processing and analysis programs are original and have been developed by Environmental Company of Sakhalin.