Экологическая Компания Сахалина 1997 - 2023     тел.: +7 (4242) 23-45-56, 23-55-57, 23-55-58

Стремись к процветанию в гармонии с природой!

Cameral works are begining

Cameral works are begining

ECS Ltd. specialists have a "hot time" - preparation of reports on surveys, monitoring, observations. Based on the data obtained in the course of field work, analysis and calculations are carried out in accordance with regulatory documents and technical specifications. Calculations are performed using specialized application programs and our own software developments.

16 ноября 2020 г.

Общая информация

693010, г. Южно-Сахалинск, Коммунистический проспект, д. 21, 3-й этаж

Телефон: +7(4242) 23–45–56, 23–55–57, 

Факс: +7(4242) 23–55–54

E-mail: ecs@ecs.sakhalin.ru
